Metaphor Minute: A New Year's Resolution for Metaphor Pros
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Solution Explaining Different Coverage Levels. “Everyone I deal with drives a car. So, rather than call my homeowners’ policies Coverage 1, Coverage 2 and Coverage 3, one day, I described them as the Base model, the Middle model and the Cadillac model. The car metaphor worked immediately. My client instantly understood why there would be qualitative and cost differences among the policies.” “Next, when it came to the amount of coverage, I stayed with the car metaphor and got him to imagine a situation he could relate to. Most people have had, or know someone who has been involved in, an accident and can relate to the expenses associated with such an event.” "I told him to imagine he had $300,000 in his checking account when he is involved in an accident that he is at fault for. When it came time to cut the checks, the money could go only two different ways. One towards the price to make the repairs and the other towards the medical bills for the person he hit. If he exceeded this limit his check book would show a negative. That negative number is now what he would owe out of his back pocket and not the insurance carrier.”
“My client, knowing how much he had in his account, did the math
pretty quickly and was able to make the right choice for how
much coverage he would need.” The Metaphorian’s New Year’s Resolution
And as for being trusted? Ryan happily reports, “I have been complemented numerous times, with clients thanking me for making this all make sense to them.” A Happy, Peaceful, & Prosperous New Year to Metaphorians everywhere! Anne Miller If you like these newsletters, please share them with clients,
Random Recommendations: Metaphors in the News As you know, I recommend reading the Op Ed columns of your favorite newspaper to see how writers, whose aim is to persuade, use metaphors and analogies to grab attention and nail their points. This month, put politics aside, and look at the metaphorical artistry in these two articles, how the first writer from The Wall Street Journal grabs your attention and how the second from The New York Times drives home the writer’s key point. (I am trying to be balanced here.) “Too Many Flags in Trump’s First Quarter” Note particularly the first paragraph which engages immediately by playing off a football metaphor to squarely set the article’s message. “The End of Trump and the End of Days” Even if you don’t read the entire article, read the last two paragraphs. The concluding racing metaphor leaves you with the point of the article clearly and memorably How can you use these beginning and concluding metaphor techniques in business presentations and conversations to strengthen your messages? Get Your 2018 Metaphorial Juices Flowing with The Tall Lady With the Iceberg ![]() The Tall Lady With the Iceberg: the power of metaphors to sell, persuade, & explain anything to anyone. “Filled with fresh thinking, this book should be a "must read" for all salespeople and business leaders who want to take their communication skills to the next level.”
-Jill Konrath, Author, Agile Selling.
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![]() dazzle with metaphor" Gerry Spence, Media Commentator & Lawyer
The Original “Metaphorically Selling” that spawned a movement,
now with 25 New Stories. Available in print, ebook & (new)
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"The Metaphor Minute" is a brief monthly note with examples from business, media, or politics that illustrate the power of metaphors and analogies to make a point, solve a problem, and get results. Use these stories to stimulate high pay-off metaphoric thinking in your business.
2018. Anne Miller. -- PERMISSION TO REPRINT -- Feel free to reprint in company newsletters or articles. Just include
©2017, Anne Miller, author, "Metaphorically Selling," You are subscribed at:[[-Email-]] - to unsubscribe, click here |