Play the Metaphor Game to Build Business
Summer is frequently a slow time in
business, but it is also an opportunity to re-evaluate where you
are, where your business is going, and what you need to do to
continue your growth, not only into the second half of the year,
but beyond as well. One option is to have a very left brain,
analytical, bring-out-the-spreadsheets meeting with your team,
OR you can run the more creative 60-90 minute right brain
Metaphor Game below to help you decide future strategies.
You will discover that the Metaphor Game is fun, easy, and
incredibly powerful.
To generate fresh thinking about the elements of your business
- To identify any necessary changes in direction, resources, & strategies
- To build consensus for how to drive business going forward
- Assemble your sales team in a comfortable meeting room.
- Make the environment as relaxed as possible. Have an ample supply of snacks and sodas handy. You may even want to have some cool background music playing.
- Give each person a sheet of 9x12 blank paper and a new box of crayons (two people can share a box).
- Have flip-chart paper around the room: 1 labeled Relationship, 1 labeled Competition, 1 labeled Environment.
- Tell the group they are going to take an unusual approach to
planning business strategies for the next 6 (12, 18) months.
Part of this approach will involve drawing pictures and then
presenting those pictures to the rest of the group. (When you
get pushback about not being able to draw, tell them that the
exercise does not require any artistic ability. Whatever they
draw will be just fine.)
- Ask them to draw a picture that contains the following
elements (15-20 min):
- Their client relationship
- The competition
- The business environment
- Tell them they can make their pictures as abstract or as
realistic as they wish. (Expect some initial skepticism, but
then notice, how with a little thought, people really get into
their drawings! There is something irresistible to our inner
child about a fresh box of crayons that makes us want to take
them out and use them.)
Presenting Their Results
- When everyone has finished, have people present or describe their pictures to the group
- As each person does that, have someone at each flipchart write down whatever metaphors or images are mentioned on their
appropriate page. For example, if someone drew a jungle for the
environment, the scribe responsible for the Environment
flipchart would write jungle on the page.
- When everyone is finished, you will have three lists of images
that become the basis for a lively discussion, (You will be
surprised at how differently people “see” the three elements of
your business and what that means for how they sell. For
example, a rep who sees the environment as a jungle vs. one who
sees it as a puzzle will approach clients and business very
differently. Someone who draws the client relationship as two
people walking off into the sunset vs. someone who draws clients
as dollar signs will sell very differently.) Suggested
- How do/should we see our relationship with clients?
- What does that mean for our sales process?
- Do we agree? (They won’t)
Has that relationship changed over time?
- What can we expect in the future?
- What is the most accurate metaphor that describes the business
environment? (Expect widely disparate views)
- What does that mean for how we have to ready ourselves to sell
in the future?
- What do we need to change, if anything?
- What different resources do we need?
- How do we see our competition? (Again, you will get different
- What should we be doing differently to win over them?
I have seen sales people practically fight to the death to
defend their pictures, which, in effect, reflect their view of
the business world, their clients, and how they sell. Hashing
out the meaning and implications of these images however will
lead to a stronger sales process for everyone.
Happy Drawing!
Anne Miller
Make What You Say Pay! — with Metaphors.
If you like these newsletters, please share them with clients,
colleagues and friends! — Thank you.
best arguments
dazzle with metaphor"
Gerry Spence,
Media Commentator & Lawyer
The Original “Metaphorically Selling” that spawned a movement,
now with 25 New Stories. Available in print, ebook & (new)
audiobook formats.
Click here
7 Signs You Need A Metaphor (Visual Language)
Your listener is
not paying attention
Your listener is
stuck on an objection
Your listener is
Your listener sees
no difference between you and your competition
You want to drive
home a point vividly and memorably
You have to wiggle
out of a difficult situation
You want to wow or
motivate a larger audience
The best firms hire brilliantly
& train relentlessly.
Having a Meeting?
Call today for fresh ideas to take your team to the
next level 212-876-1875 or
"I've been to a lot of
training programs and yours was the best!"
-CRO, MediaMath
Metaphor Minute Archives
Graduation Time is Here
What's in a (Strategy) Name
Metaphor: The Billion Dollar Differentiator
Mind Opening Metaphor
Sharks, Ships, Snakes & Cakes
Links I like
Great Resources:
Metaphors in the News
As someone who believes metaphors
and analogies are the most irresistible tools you can use to
make a point, it is hard not to notice some of the more original
ones that crop up daily describing current events. Political
views aside, how can you not want to
read more after this opening from reporter Michael D’Antonio:
“Consider the Komodo dragon. A hairless creature with thin
lips, beady eyes and the hint of a smirk on its face, it stalks
animals many times its size. A dragon attack often ends with the
prey dashing away with barely a scratch. The tiniest nip,
however, is enough to deposit a few drops of dragon saliva and
start an infection. After a slow death, the dragon feasts.
The example of the Komodo lizard suggests a compelling political
metaphor for our time”.
Need A Winning Metaphor For Your
Presentation or Demo?
today for individual coaching or team workshops and learn how to
turn information that tells into a story that sells.
"Anne and I recently worked together on a speech I gave at a
large conference. She helped me turn a series of somewhat
interesting points into an expertly crafted, compelling and
actionable story. Together, we built a storyline with
attention-grabbing headlines. We worked and re-worked the
language, making sure every word was important. Finally, Anne
coached me on the delivery. The result was so exciting - I've
never been so well received in a speech before. Thank you,
Anne!" Kate Griffin, Vice President, CFED.org
"The Metaphor Minute" is a brief monthly note with examples from business, media, or politics that illustrate the power of metaphors and analogies to make a point, solve a problem, and get results. Use these stories to stimulate high pay-off metaphoric thinking in your business.
2017. Anne Miller. -- PERMISSION TO REPRINT -- Feel free to reprint in company newsletters or articles. Just include
©2017, Anne Miller, author, "Metaphorically Selling,"
amiller@annemiller.com You are subscribed at:[[-Email-]] - to unsubscribe, click here