May 6, 2014
You Were on Time's 100 Most Influentials List
Robert Redford, Pharrell Williams, Jeff Bezos, Malala Yousafzai – I just love to
see who makes the Time’s 100 Most Influential People list (Kerry Washington?).
Washington notwithstanding, what is interesting for readers of The Metaphor
Minute is how often the editors tapped into the resonance of metaphor to capture
the essence of who or what defines these special “Titans, Pioneers Leaders,
Artists, and Icons.”
An even more interesting question to ask is:
If you were on Time’s 100 list, what metaphor would appear under your
Think about what you do, who you are and the value you offer. How would you be
described? Use the examples below from Time’s 2014 list to spark the ideal
metaphorical description for yourself.
- Beyonce: She’s the boss
- Janet Yellen: Captain of the U.S. Economy
- Jeff Bezos: …who went on a wild ride from original hero of
Internet commerce to poster child of dotcom hype to a second act
on par with Steve Jobs’ return to Apple
- Serena Williams: The warrior who refuses to quit
- Jenji Kohan: A force of nature
- Edward Snowden: Renegade in exile
- Katherine Hayhoe: Environmental Evangelist
- Hosain Rahman: The stylist of wearable tech
- Seth Meyers: The new kid in late night
- Steve McQueen: The passionate story-teller
- Amy Adams: The cinematic chameleon
- Mary Barra: The executive in the hot seat
- Vladimir Putin: …his rhetoric is nothing more than a fantasy
inside a delusion wrapped in a tissue of lies.
- Angela Merkel: The transformer of Germany
- Jerry Brown: No longer the new kid, he’s now the adult in the
room—the wise steward of our state’s resources
- Robert Redford: Godfather of indie film
- Malala Yousafzai: Pakistan’s torchbearer for girls’ education
- Alice Waters: Pioneer of good food for all
- Carl Icahn: The wolf of Wall Street reborn
Renegade? Evangelist? Warrior? Send in Your Answer
What is the metaphor that best describes you? Let’s have some
fun with this and also throw in a little free publicity for your
business or cause. Send me your answer and why you chose that
metaphor. I will reprint it in the next Metaphor Minute,
complete with links to your site. Send to
Then, when Time calls you next year to announce your inclusion
in their 100 Most Influential People list, you will be ready
with the perfect metaphor for their profile of you.
Anne Miller
Make What You Say Pay — With Metaphors.
P.S. My metaphor is Chief Presentation
Wizard, because I help people create communication magic that
transforms routine presentations into magical experiences that wow, sell, & get
Again, remember to send me your profile metaphor!
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with friends and colleagues. Thank you! |

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a metaphor or an analogy to make your point, overcome an obstacle, close a sale,
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Links I Like:
Great Resources:
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best arguments
dazzle with metaphor"
Gerry Spence,
Media Commentator & Lawyer
The Original “Metaphorically Selling” that spawned a movement,
now with 25 New Stories. Available in print, ebook & (new)
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Special Offer: Buy 50 copies and get a free seminar. Call
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me for details
7 Signs You Need A Metaphor (Visual Language)
Your listener is
not paying attention
Your listener is
stuck on an objection
Your listener is
Your listener sees
no difference between you and your competition
You want to drive
home a point vividly and memorably
You have to wiggle
out of a difficult situation
You want to wow or
motivate a larger audience
The best firms hire brilliantly
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"The Metaphor Minute" is a brief monthly note with examples from business, media, or politics that illustrate the power of metaphors and analogies to make a point, solve a problem, and get results. Use these stories to stimulate high pay-off metaphoric thinking in your business.
2013. Anne Miller. -- PERMISSION TO REPRINT -- Feel free to reprint in company newsletters or articles. Just include
©2013, Anne Miller, author, "Metaphorically Selling,"
amiller@annemiller.com You are subscribed at:[[-Email-]] - to unsubscribe, click here |