13, 2014
"Bond, James Bond"
How many James Bond movies have you seen? Do you remember how James Bond liked
his vodka martinis? “Shaken, not stirred.” Short, sweet, clear and memorable.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be remembered by clients for what you do with equally
easy recall? That is often challenging when you and your competition all claim
to have a “process” that is “tailored” or “customized” to client needs. One
company however overcomes that obstacle quite effectively.
The Bridge Group creates inside sales playbooks for clients. Since 1998 they
have helped hundreds of technology service firms increase productivity, drive
higher conversion from leads, and maximize Inside Sales performance. The key to
their success with clients is their (customized) process.
When they talk to prospects, they don't say, "Look at this great playbook with
all its bells and whistles that we can build and customize for you.
Instead, they describe their process this way…
Many vendors have ideas for improving sales rep performance.
Sales leaders need to find, not only great ideas, but ideas that sales reps will
Empowerment is the key to success.
Reps who are involved feel empowered.
So, The Bridge Group process brings the reps in at the beginning of the creation
of the new playbook through to the end, using their feedback, ideas and insights
to shape the final playbook. Then, reps can say, "Thank you for helping us give
birth to this amazing sales enablement tool. Now we are in charge of its care
and feeding. We know it will only get better as we get better."
Job done.
Bottom-line (metaphor drum roll, please) your playbook, Mr. Prospect,
is baked
in, not bolted on, to your sales team.
Process explanation and competitive positioning accomplished in two vivid
contrasting metaphors.
If you are a sales manager, you instantly “see” the unique value of The Bridge
Group for your team.
Have a Vodka Martini Your Way
What metaphoric image(s) can you use both to capture your unique value and to
set you apart from competitors?
Anne Miller
Make What You Say Pay — With Metaphors.
For more information on The Bridge Group, Inc.,
click here
*Chosen Top Sales Book of the Month for April by Top Sales World*

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