June 13, 2013
"Terrorize" Your Communications
tells you that certain foods are bad for you and you shouldn’t eat them. You
hear their words (advice you’ve heard many times before), nod politely and are
likely to continue your poor eating habits. But suppose you hear those same
foods described as terrorists that invade your body, multiply, and latch on to
your healthy cells, destroying them at their most vulnerable spots.
What! Terrorists in my body? That won’t do. How can I protect myself against
these threats?
According to Health Coach Ruth Gantman, the answer (of course) is to bring in “Homeland
It turns out that these “terrorists” are the free radicals found in certain
foods and your first line of defense, “homeland security,” are anti-oxidants
found in other foods. Eat the latter to protect yourself from the former for a
longer, healthy life.
Curious to know more?
Ruth Gantman has the answers. Ruth is a Health Coach who has studied over 100
dietary theories, lifestyle techniques and innovative coaching methods with the
world’s top health and wellness experts from Harvard, Yale and even Deepak
Chopra. She works with clients to help them make lifestyle changes that produce
real and lasting results.
She knows that to get people to focus on something as unsexy and mundane as good
nutrition (eat your vegetables, honey), she needs to frame her communications in
attention grabbing ways that will snap people out of their comfort zone. In this
case, terrorism, with all its scary associations, does the trick.
Ruth reaches regularly for metaphors and analogies – visual language – to help
clients “see” the value of what she is saying and recommending. In another
instance, when she talks about taking care of yourself in the aging process, she
nails her arguments with, “As we age, we grow more different than alike.
It’s not just the make and model. It’s the mileage. It depends on care and
maintenance. Yes, and what’s under the hood.”
Your Turn
Not everyone can sells sexy products like iPads. What most people sell is fairly
routine and very similar to what competitors sell: accounting services,
enterprise software solutions, wealth management advice, advertising, executive
search, legal services, social media consulting, consulting, graphic design,
Emulate Ruth. What vivid metaphors and analogies can you create to make somewhat
jaded listeners sit up, pay attention, and get swept along in your story which
ultimately leads to them working with you?
Make What You Say Pay — With Metaphors.
Anne Miller
P.S. For more information on Ruth Gantman and her free
nutrition book, visit
How potentially dull is a description of the stock market and the economy?
It can be pretty eye-glazing, unless you are economist Roger
Farmer, who describes the stock market and the economy as “co-integrated random
walks” to fellow economists, but uses a much more vivid image for lay audiences.
[The market and the economy are]“…two staggering drunks connected by a long
rope. Sometimes the stock market and the economy go in the same direction,
sometimes not. But tied together as they are, they can never get too far apart.”
Full article
Remember that the next time you check your broker’s statement.
*Chosen Top Sales Book of the Month for April by Top Sales World*

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